
my kingdom come [DM]



4 Years
01-04-2014, 01:08 AM

The battle that unfolded before the boy fascinated and excited him. It piqued his interest in ways he could not comprehend, he wanted to know more, wanted to learn more. The boy would watch as blows were exchanged, salmon tongue swiping across ebony lips, eyes widening so he did not miss anything. Small tail beating against the ground and front paws kneading at the ground slightly, as he forced himself to remain seated despite wanting to move forwards for a better look at the fighting. He probably should have been scared, worried but he was much too caught up in the action to register that there might be a negative outcome.
He would be partially right in not worrying, as he watched the white shape break away briefly from her target only for him to fall prey to her parted jaw, the white shape he knew as his mother. A grin would spread across dark features as she realized what had happened. His mother was victorious the fallen shape of her opponent laying unmoving at her paws. He was about to rise to his paws to join her, to be with her when chaos broke out. If only he had known how his whole world was about to buckle beneath him in those short seconds.
A shape darted forwards, jaws parted to tear out his mother?s throat. Then another shape was pushing its way towards the attacker. Pushing him away from the falling form of his mother; she was falling as though in slow motion and he was rising to his paws at the same speed, much much too slow. The world was slowing down, each step he took felt like a year as he finally pushed his way towards his mother. He had kept behind the gathered wolves but now, he did not care, he would run to his mother?s side even as centuries passed him by. His eyes would remain locked on the fallen form, unaware of anyone else who might be there.
Finally the boy would reach her, stopping suddenly to stare down at her. Unmoving he could not bring himself to accept that this pathetic form was his mother. He was panting, and it was only as he finally regained control of his limbs and was pushing into the form that he realized there were tears streaming down his face. Where his sister begged and pleaded with the already lifeless wraith, Novocaine simply clung to her unwilling to accept what his senses were telling him.
There was only one other thought on his mind, revenge. The male that had done this would pay, one day, one way or another he would feel the boy?s rage.

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Please note: Novocaine is missing his right eye entirely, an empty socket is all that remains in its stead. Not all of his tables reflect that as of yet!

[Image: Novocaine_zps6b647269.png]