



5 Years
01-04-2014, 01:24 AM

Certainly one of the things Cirala had noticed first was the female?s appearance, she was mortal after all. Though she had quickly pushed the thoughts from her mind, even as she felt the blood start to rise to her face; she had to focus on her patient, on making sure the cute stranger wasn?t hurt. She noted the brown woman?s reaction when she prodded at her ribs. She cast a quick glance at the woman observing her expression. She frowned some, it was more than just bruising at least though she could only guess at what was going on inside the woman.
She was already was running through herbs she might need, she would need something to help ease the stranger?s pain. She wished she had Wintergreen, but her stores were back in her birth pack and she had no idea where if anywhere she would be able to find the rare plant. Wolfsbane? No good? She would probably have to see if she could find some Lavender. She would ponder these things as she continued her gentle examination. The woman would start to move though she wasn?t very successful.
"Probably best if you don?t try to move right away." She advised as kindly as she could. She was almost done her quick examination, though she had not failed to notice the lack of speech from the stranger. Was there something worse going on here? Was she in shock? Maybe she was just mute? Not matter what it was, this was not going to make her job any easier. She would circle around again to the front of the stranger, opening jaws to speak when she caught the woman?s gaze. The stranger had the most brilliant green eyes Cirala had ever seen, they were dazzling and just like that all professionalism was flying out the window as she found herself drowning in the attractive stranger?s eyes.
