


01-04-2014, 02:04 AM

You won't talk shit about our family again, whore! Deadly words caught her attention, shifting her gaze to the pale brute of which she didn't know. It was clear that that was the only warning she would get. His form would streak forward, his goal a head on collision. And that she would grant him. Many of her defenses were already in place, audits flat against her skull, hackles raised along her neck and spine, eyes narrowed. Before he struck, shoulders would roll forward, her tail aligning with her spine, limbs spreading to stabilize her and bent for better balance. Weight would roll forward onto her toes as nails dug into the earth for traction. Eyes would zero in on her target, it took no time for him to close the distance, their dance only just beginning.

His right paw would lift wanting to jab at her, jaws unhinged, aimed straight at her face. Immediately she would aim to step to her right and drop her upper body lower the ground, jaws unhinged, intending to grab a hold of his front limb that was still planted firmly on the ground. If she was successful then jaws would clamp down with force, and she would continue her movement to the right, intending to drag the limb that supported him out from under him, wanting to through off his balance or possibly bring him down. If she missed her intended target, then jaws would snap mercilessly until they found purchase, and if they did then she would throw her weight forward, staying close to his right (Devs left), her goal to again through off his balance or simply to rip away flesh.

She would not go unscathed. Pain would radiated as his fangs connected with the flesh at the base of her scruff, just in front of her shoulder blades, his bite would fall off-center, nearing the left side of her body. His lifted paw graze the side of her shoulder, causing no serious damage other than being a nuisance. If it was a fight he wanted, then it was a fight he would get. Already as a yearling the girl had witnessed her fathers death, and watched as the man she cared so deeply for, rip his own mothers throat out. Emotions had bottled up within her, and had now been unleashed. Revenge would be given, and anyone that stood in her way would fall.


ATTACKS: Jaws would be aimed at his front limb that is still planted on the ground, her goal to grab forcefully and jerk it out from under him, wanting to either throw his balance off or bring him down completely. If that fails then she will take a hold of the next closest piece of flesh(depending on his move) and push into him with her weight since she is slightly bigger and heavier

DEFENSES: ears pinned, eyes narrowed, hackles raised along neck and spine, shoulders rolled forward, tail aligned with spin, limbs bent and spread for balance and stability, weight shifted to her toes

INJURIES: bite would the base of her scruff, just in front of her shoulder blades, off center to the left. His attack with his paw would graze her shoulder but with dull wolf nails would cause no serious damage

OOC- discussed with Seren that Dev gets to keep her tongue :) no maims this time, just dominance
