


01-04-2014, 01:07 PM

A tiny figure approached, an albino like herself. She bore the scent of the one she had been tracking here from her homeland. A broad grin curved rosy lips upwards, thick banner beating the ground a few times. "Young one, I have followed you from the home you left behind. I am here to take care of you." She murmured, lowering her cranium towards the face of the child and looking deep into her rosy optics with a soft smile. "Are you not a Levader?" She inquired, tilting her cranium to the side slightly. She could not be mistaking this pup for anyone else, she bore far too much resemblance to the wintry goddess herself. Long front limbs would fold slightly to bring her closer to the level of the pup, the littered scars across the lower parts of her forelimbs flashing as they caught the morning sun's rays.
She would guard this youngster well, and care for her like any sister should. Soft ruby pools were calm as she looked upon the face of the small girl, taking in the features of the half sibling before her. It was quite a relief, to finally have found her after such a long time searching. What had this little one done to deserve being outcast by their scumbag father? Clearly the only fault of this child was carrying a genetic trait her father had laid upon her. If anything, it should have been the fool Ksiezc who was cast from the pack. Letting those violent thoughts trail off, she lowered herself onto the terra so that she would not have to crane her neck to look down at the little one.

image by Luisiana