
Who I Will Be


01-04-2014, 04:43 PM

The male simply kept eating while she talked, listening intently as if he had never heard of something like this, though he probably hadn't, her father was probably the only asshole who would do that to a child for no reason other than the colour of her fur. He asked if something like that was typical with the world, and she nodded her head after he clarified. "Most children live with both of their parents, as far as I know. Though some families are like my own, with the children born from a one night stand and the mom taking care of them by herself." She explained, her gaze never straying from his face as she spoke. She wondered what kind of place would raise children to turn out like this, unsure of how the real world works.
She sighed, batting the meat stripped carcass of the squirrel between her massive paws a few times before looking back up at the large man. "Though my father was a special kind of asshole who only wanted children with dark pelts, the rest of the children were scarred and outcast to die." She growled, ear flattening against her skull in anger. She felt good about teaching her father what was what the day she left, even if it had given her the scars on her forelegs, the one's she wore with pride now.

image by Luisiana