

Ares 1


01-04-2014, 06:31 PM

He would hardly be able to listen to her words, the rage he usually kept so calmed would fire up beneath him. There came to be a roar in his ears as he felt his blood begin to boil within his skin. She didn't know, she didn't see and he knew that she could never understand. Devya had woven a spell that certainly would never be broken, no matter the hardships others would put them through. He would do everything in his power to protect her, like he hadn't been able to do for his father. The memories of his mother would bring a dark look upon his face, though he would hardly remember doing the deed he would not deny it. Morphine's blood stained his pelt.
As he pushed himself forward the she wraith would do the same, he knew she wouldn't be one to stand back and watch him attack. His ears were tucked back against his skull as he watched her with narrowed eyes. He pushed his limbs to bring them closer, to collide in a great crash. He could feel a great bruise blossom from his chest as he felt her shoulder ram into the broad bones. The moment of their collision he would feel her remove her wrist from his grasp and he would plant both front paws firmly into the ground, his knees would bend, toes would splay and claws would grip into the earth. At the same moment he would thrust power into his hind limbs, he would push them from the ground. His hips and rear end would swing around to the right so his body was perpendicular to Artemis' form, they would make a nice "L". His teeth would find their mark upon her scruff, and as he felt himself connect her own jaws would succeed in their endeavor. Though, since he had swung himself around her grasp was landed upon loose skin and the muscled portion of his neck. He would feel an intense pain from the loose bite, but he knew he could take the moderate puncture wounds.
He would tuck his chin closer as he rolled his shoulders back to protect should she again try to find a more lethal grip on his vulnerable neck. He would distribute his weight so that he was mostly balanced upon his front two legs, then he would push with all of his might into his chest and hopefully into her left shoulder, hoping that because of her tripod like stance she would lose her balance. His incisors would attempt to grip down harder upon her scruff as he would try to use his grip there to throw her off balance. He would attempt to jerk his jaws forward in time with his shove to completely topple her over. His tail would align with his spine as he did his best to keep himself in a balanced state, as his abdomen was tensed with adrenaline.

Ares v. Artemis for DOMINANCE

Round TWO of TWO
