


03-13-2013, 11:18 AM
Luana drew strength from Ceto's form beside her, despite his usually quiet countenance and respectful manner of speaking, he was an amazing hunter and she imagined he could fight pretty well too if such a thing came down upon them. He radiated confidence here and while normally she had no problem with it, she was hesitant to say much here. She wasn't used to attending a meeting with numerous wolves, or one that would determine her stature for potentially the rest of her days, but Ceto seemed confident so she would be too!

Jupiter, addressed a few of the other wolves offering them ranks here and there. Luana listened intently, memorizing and nodding along with each of the odd terms that had spilled from Jupiter's maw. A lunav was a hunter Would she be made one of those too? She did like to fish and she was pretty good at it... at least that what her mama had told her. Slowly the dames gaze returned to the two of them and she addressed them both at the same time, a gentle, warm smile upon her maw. At the generous term of affection Luana quickly rose from her haunches, matching pace with Ceto as they stepped forward.

Orbita She rolled the word around in her brain, testing it, tasting it. She liked the idea, she had never really been a part of a pack before and it was probably wise to see her perform in all areas before a decision was made, plus she liked the term, it rolled off the tongue smoothly.

"That sounds wonderful! Thank you so much Miss Jupiter!" She dipped her head, as a sign of respect and awaited Ceto's response. They had been accepted! Well... at least given a chance, and they shared the same rank which meant they would probably be paired together quite a lot! The sandy coated dame was nothing short of ecstatic.