
my kingdom come [DM]


01-05-2014, 02:24 AM
holy tits on a stick, thank you muse ♥

Pride swelled within her chest cavity, the sensation extravagant enough to force the thought of pain and of possible repercussions to the back of her ever-scheming mind as her gleaming metallic gaze bore into the verdant of her fallen adversary?s. Fury began ebbing away from her interior in favor of inexorable mirth as she witnessed the life dissipate from his eyes, her paw subconsciously lifting from the safety of the earth as he spat at her feet in one final act of contempt before his distressed allies flocked to his deathbed, disregarding the ice queen?s looming presence as they silently bade the male farewell. Disdainfully, she examined both women ? one she hadn?t met before and another she could only assume to be the bitch that had insulted her supreme genetics only to take a liking to her son ? contemplating then if either had been oblivious to the fact that the male had died upon his own accord. She had given him the choice to live his life in peace without her intervention, and yet, he had decided to test her nerves and the extent of her wrath by forcing himself into the lives of their children. ?No. They were hers and would always remain hers ? he had simply played his part as a sperm donor and that had been that. It had been she who had provided for and mentored the babes until they decided she was not worthy of their presence due to her loss of crown and prestige. He had done nothing, just as he was instructed to.

Digits flexed impatiently against the earth as blood continued to pour from the goliath?s gaping wounds, attention unwavering from Seraphim even as her son impulsively lurched forward in hopes of thieving the life from her very own veins. Unguarded and inattentive to her surroundings, it was not until the juvenile was within striking distance that she even took notice to his approach, muzzle turning towards him curiously, entirely oblivious to his intentions. Rather than meeting his pastel lavender gaze with unveiled confusion, the ice queen instead glimpsed a flurry of yellowed teeth as they grappled for her flesh, pupils dilating then as the audible crunch! of severed veins resounded from her seized jugular. Inexplicable pain radiated from her neck as her son held her hostage betwixt ruthless jaws, own jaws gaping as she desperately attempted to gasp for air. After what felt like a century, he relinquished his grasp for reasons unknown, blood heavily cascading from her fatal wounds as she first collapsed to her knees and then to the tainted arena floor.

Motionless she lay aside from the occasional heaving of her chest as she filled her lungs with the final bits of oxygen she would ever receive, pupils fixated upon the infuriated form of her murderer. The boy who had idolized her in his youth ? the boy who had relentlessly urged for her approval as a child ? her Ares ? now hovering above her pathetic form with belligerence and utmost loathing. Despite his heinous crime and act of pure treachery, the ice queen found herself void of disdain or anger towards her son; he was her son, after all, and nothing he could do would ever earn her spite ? not even ending her life. ??See?? the ice queen managed through her complications, tone hoarse albeit kind. ?You didn?t need me to become something great.? A weak smile stretched across her bloodied countenance as her gaze turned to ensnare his own, eyes softened despite the pain. She hadn?t the chance to spend much time with the boy and yet, there he stood, reigning victorious over his mother in more ways than one.

The muted and incomprehensible voice of Artemis was the last thing the phantom queen registered before her blackened heart gave its final pulsation, leaving the world with one less Machiavellian.

final exeunt morphine.