
For Your Mother



7 Years
01-05-2014, 03:15 PM (This post was last modified: 01-13-2014, 03:10 PM by Nako.)
Nako gently reach down to touch the earth where a pup appeared to lay and he spoke as if in a sort of mumbled happiness. "To this one who had lost their life, you are now lying in the soil of a friendly pack. Therefore rest in peace. There is no difference between our packmates and our enemies to me where they lie side by side here in this land of ours... the ones that remain to grieve need to wipe away their tears and remember the good times, this lost one is now lying in our packland and in undisturbed peace. And if this as an outsider, they have become one of ours. Rest easy friend, I wish I knew you." Nako looked up at Loccian as she shifted to place a bouquet of rearranged flowers on the grave of a young wolf. He had heard what Loccain was saying about not knowing who it was or when they died, a saddened tilt of his head being given.

They both stood there for a moment, Nako nudging a flower back onto the low mound as it caught in the slight slope. Loccian broke the minute silence and informed him that she was glad that he'd come to her. And the she wanted to talk about his mother. Nako looked down at the cold ground glumly with pinned ears and a sad blink of his mismatched eyes. So this is want Loccian wanted to talk about? He supposed he had no choice, what with her being the chief and such. "What about my real mother? You talking about Alena right? Not Tahlia?"