
Here Fishy Fishy


01-05-2014, 04:17 PM

Oh now this was much better! Elan strode along at an easy pace enjoying the warmer climates of the south. While spring had finally come to the northern territories the area was entirely still to full of snow for his tastes. Elan paused in his travels for just a second to close his eyes and take in the warmth of the sunlight and the songs of the birds. It was a perfect day no denying it? though a nice cool drink would make this day even better and in the distance he could hear the sound of a river.

The brute picked up his feet into a leisurely trot once more as he navigated through this unclaimed terra. This land was indeed a vast one and with no sign of any packs nearby he felt incredibly free. While Elan enjoyed company he was still unsure if he would join a pack again. He supposed he would though his recent experiences hadn't gone that well. He'd give one thing to pack life though the eating was definitely better.

Mud squished beneath Elan's toes as he approached the massive river, it's levels had clearly risen from the melting snow of winter making the banks extra muddy. Carefully Elan picked his way over to a uprooted tree that must of tumbled as the risen water levels ate at the soil around it's roots. He scooted his way carefully along the trunk that was about two feet in diameter, tail lashing as he worked to keep his balance. Finally Elan bent to drink, ears twitching at the wealth of sounds around him, searching for threats.


Elan's head jerked up as he looked downriver for the source of the splash that was quickly followed by whooping and laughing. Was someone swimming in this? It was bound to be freezing and lo and behold several meters away was grayish brute playing in the water.

Elan eased himself onto his belly and let his forelimbs test the water? oh it was crazy! He barked out at the other wolf with a teasing grin.

"Hello there! May I ask what madness has driven you into such a predicament?"

Clearing my throat?
[Image: Elan_bot_zps953357d1.jpg]