
somewhere i b e l o n g



3 Years
03-13-2013, 05:49 PM
save me from being confused, show me what i'm looking for

The sooty yearling had wandered from her den once more. This time, however, she had not immediately struck out for the beach. Instead, she had found herself wandering towards the edge of her pack's lands. These borders were imposing things, marked strongly by her parents. Maverick had found the courage to pass them with ease, exploring the world without a thought for his siblings. And yet Kamala couldn't bring herself to chase after her brother. She was content in Seracia. The wolves who had inhabited it were friendly creatures, and she enjoyed spending time with them, observing them and listening to them. Her family members were the most interesting of all. Her spitfire mother, her regal father; her lonesome and sad brother and the outgoing and adventurous one as well.

There was so much to see, so much to learn about just in Seracia's territory alone that she couldn't begin to understood how Maverick thought that he wanted to explore the outside world. Kamala wanted to wait, to wait until she fully understood the wolves of Seracia; their motives and their personalities. Why were they there? Why was she there?

Sometimes, Kamala wondered that. What cruel twist of fate had saved her and her siblings but let her parents die? Why them? Kamala had nothing to offer the world. Nothing special, at least, nothing that a half-dozen other wolves in Seracia alone couldn't offer. Why them? It was a question worth considering, especially if Kamala took into consideration the half-remembered gods her parents had believed them. She didn't only vaguely remembered their names and their purposes even less than that, and she certainly didn't know if she believed in them. But if they did exist, and they did play a paw in her survival...

The only question she really had was why.

The female found herself standing at the heart of Seracia's territory as her thoughts trailed off, glancing around idly. Hmm. Her wandering path towards the edge of Seracia's territory had been turned on its head, it seemed, leaving her standing in her Kingdom's interior once more. She was no Maverick, it seemed. The female snorted wryly to herself at the thought, shaking her head slightly.

She would probably just wait around here for a while, doing nothing but thinking. It seemed like a decent enough plan.