
Here Fishy Fishy

Sucre I


01-05-2014, 06:31 PM
Carlito "Sucre" Dalibor

He couldn't feel his toes! It was like paddling around with rocks on the ends of his legs. A shout a little ways down the river drew his attention and the wolf turned to grin at the stranger. Madness, eh? He'd show him madness. He carried on pouncing and flinging water. Maybe if he was lucky some would hit th-whoosh! The brute pounced a little too high, a little too far out, and before he realized what was happening, Sucre found himself completely submerged. He kicked out and up, searching for the surface, and when he found it the brute came up with a roar. Alright, alright, maybe it was time to dry off. Sucre swam to shore-away from the muddy side-and pulled himself up onto a rock. He sat down with a splat and sneezed a couple of times to clear his nose.

While the last sneeze still echoed off the trees, Sucre flashed a smile in the other brute's direction. "My whole brain went 'why the hell not?!' and I just had to. You should try it; it's invigorating." Madness? Definitely. But it was a good, 'I'm alive' kind of madness. He snorted, stopping a bead of water from entering his nose, and then stood to shake out his coat. Lordy, was he cold! The water had been frigid, but out in the open with the breeze blowing? Much worse! He resisted the urge to shiver.

"Name's Sucre, by the way," he said with a smile. With his fur all spiked up and water running and dripping off of him, now he probably looked mad. The brute absently drug a toe through the growing puddle at his paws, making a series of lines beside it. "So what's your name, stranger, if you don't mind me asking?" If they were going to sit here shooting the breeze why may as well get acquainted.