
Mic Check


01-05-2014, 11:44 PM (This post was last modified: 01-12-2014, 11:45 AM by Zajia.)
Spring was settling in well in the north, and Zajia seemed to have found one of the very few spots that was no longer covered in snow. This place was very rocky and diverse, allowing for very little planthrowth and quite a bit of freshly farmed prey. Her amethyst orbs were focused on a small blackbird who had dared cross her path. It was obviously young and inexperienced but it was fat with the plumpness offered by a well nurtured upbringing. Zajia smiled and wriggled her haunches in preparation. It didn't have a chance.
With a calm and smooth movement, Zajia advanced in stealthy silence. Her paws barely touched the ground as she pushed onward towards the bird. Her tail was straight out behind her and her tan pelt blended well with her rocky surroundings. The bird had no idea what was about to happen when the fae leapt through the air and landed a swift paw heavily against its neck. It had truly not had a chance in the world.
Zajia picked up the bird in her jaws and crunched down on its skull in satisfaction. An easy hunt. Without a word or grunt to any being, the slender woman carried her kill up onto a tall rock and layed herself down to eat, constantly keeping an amethyst eye on the narrow valley below her. Perhaps she would be queen of this place, so far from her place of birth.