
Unseen Danger


01-06-2014, 12:39 AM
ooc: I hope you don't mind me jumping in, this just looked so tempting. <333

The ivory woman found herself wandering the thick pines of the territory, her mind was wandering, as she moved silently through the pine. She carried herself with pride, her ivory bodice was soaked from clumps of sodden snow that had fell from the thick pines as she walked, spring was trying to in-surge upon Glaciem, but winter was reluctant to release its grip upon the vast empire. She prayed that as spring thawed the land the immense amount of snow, would melt. As she traveled further north in the pines, she felt a prickling sense of uneasiness. Curious, she drew forward, her pace picking up until a familiar stench reached her. A sense of fear buried itself inside of her, something she wasn't used to feeling. She hadn't lived in her fathers empire for long, but she had never imagined a polar bear would travel this far south.

She almost turned and retreated south to alert her father, when the smell of another Glaciem reached her. She froze, she didn't recognize the smell, though there was a tinge of familiarity about it, and she wondered if the stranger was another sibling. Another sibling, perhaps, that was unaware of the danger that they could find themselves in. Turning through the pines, she would stick close to the trees, trying to stay in the shadows as she approached the scent of the other. When her eyes met him, she was surprised to find that the stranger was a pup, her horror intensified. Coming up behind the pup, she'd lower her head, speaking in a low intense whisper. "You. Come with me. That bear isn't to be trifled with." She hoped the wariness in her eyes, would convince the pup to listen to her. She had to get him closer to the rest of the pack, and then call her father to figure out what to do with the bear.

Standing in the shadows, she would wait for the pup to address her, her tail flicking impatiently as she waited, wondering if the bear would venture their way. She would step closer to the pup, wanting to put herself in front of him, keeping the bear, even though it was at a distance away from the child. Mentally she willed the pup to listen, bears could be deadly, and a pup or even a lone wolf like herself could be a good meal, for such a beast.
