
Game Over [Spar]



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-06-2014, 05:00 AM

His call would not go unheard for long, as a creature of his pack came into view upon his arena. It was a brute he had met before, and a smile lifted briefly upon his lips before squaring off against his potential opponent. The peculiar spotted male said nothing, and yet the look in his eyes called for blood, a fight, blood. Sin was all too happy to respond, friend or foe alike. And though this Dexter was a packmate, he had been the one to respond to his battle cry. Which meant he wanted to fight Sin, and so the demon would not refuse the opponents attempt.

"We meet again, dear comrade. Do you bring yourself forth to answer my challenge? If so, you're in for a rare treat. For not many get to challenge me so freely. Consider it an honor." He'd offer a brief and teasing wink, knowing the males reputation for occasionally bursting off the handle. This would be an interesting match he was sure, the last one against Codeine was much too easy. And he was in great need of a worthy opponent, hopefully this one would not disappoint. As it was, Sin would discreetly begin to set in place his defenses. The one before him was capable of being unpredictable, but then again, anger blinded everything. Sin would be the unpredictable one, as was his usual manner.

Quickly in the matter of a few split seconds, Sin began his defensive set. Ears fell back against his head, eyes narrowed, limbs squared for balance, toes spread for balance as his sharpened claws dug deep trenches into the earth for traction. Untainted banner became aligned with his spine, his core a tightening of muscles. Head fell into place over his throat, chin tucked to protect his vitals, teeth bared in a grim smile of sorts as he seemed to cast a humorous grin towards his opponent, if only to taunt him. Shoulder blades rolled forward to protect the sides of his neck, and the motion brought forward his scruff to add protection. With weight distributed as evenly as possible, his knees would bend slightly; and thus he waited for his opponent should he decide to make the first move.

"The rules are simple; no maims, as I have great plans and I am sure you would not want to lose your eyes nor your precious manhood. Inflict what wounds you desire, just know you will pay tenfold for what you inflict. I am sure a warrior of Glaciem such as yourself could do with the practice, so show me that you are worthy of being a warrior and deserving of your title!" He barked forth, issuing the challenge.

Sin Vs. Dexter-Normal Spar

Round 0/3

Defenses: Stated in 3rd paragraph

Attacks: None

Injuries: First Round

OOC: Let's keep it a simple match, no maims nor anything drastic. However, I don't mind torn ears or scar marks and the like. I set it to 3 rounds, if you want more let me know.
