
i lack much more than innocence


01-06-2014, 05:00 AM

Coming to the brink of the water the masked brute would stare across the tumult waters, as the waves crashed against the shore. The dank waters were a hue of a gray, toned with a dark blue, and a cold breeze would blow against his coat as he stood, his paws kneading into the sand. Taking in the salty air, he took a deep breath, releasing it, as he turned, patrolling and lurking at the waters edge, wondering what lurked beneath it's depths. He wasn't one for deep thought, but he did wonder what else was out there. Was his Amaranth out there? As soon as he found her, she seemed to have been stripped from him and in the aftermath of Morphine's death he was faced with the horrors of being the only one, aside from the daring little daughter of hers to look after the creatures he had spawned. An annoyed sigh escaped him, this was not how it was supposed to be. As he aged, his children would grow to wreak more havoc on this land than he ever had, more than any creature here could hope to bestow. He wondered what legacy he'd leave in these lands with his departure, after all no one here had succeeded his level of terror. He was the nightmares pups were warned of. Settling to his rump, he'd stare out over the water, lost in thought though all too aware of his surroundings.