
Don't disappoint me


01-06-2014, 03:29 PM (This post was last modified: 01-06-2014, 05:11 PM by Aislin.)
Aislin didn't get to speak much before another female patrolled onto the scene and acted as if though she wasn't intruding, which she was. Aislin looked her up and down briefly and sighed as she sat and listened to the girl. Aislin looked back to the alabaster female and gave a little smirk.

"Trophy? Not exactly. I have beauty enough to be a trophy yes, but I have my uses. I can do more than just be someones object to look at. I have to be able to run and track for the pack and not be someone sex object."

Aislin spoke as she looked to the female loner who walked up and eyed her. The grey woman looked like she could also be put to use. It was unsure what she might put into as far as duty wise, but something told Aislin that if she didn't decide then she might be put into a nightmare.

"I came here to answer some questions of mine. I was curious about learning more of the pack. I had an understanding of what the women become, and your statement confirmed more of it. Still, do the women here get to be what they wish and aren't just trophies for the king? And what of the males? With such a structure in the pack as far as the women go, where do they stand?"

Aislin had changed her mind from joining this pack to getting one final dip of information of the pack from a member of the pack that could answer her questions better than just hearing rumors. Aislin sat a little more taller this time, and a little more proper, as she got more serious about her information seeking.

((So I had a change a little bit, and thought this might work better. Aislin will continue to be in the thread, but to ask questions more about the pack. I thought it might work better instead of up and leaving, and ICly it will keep the ties reasonable. Sorry about the instant change but I had something open up plot wise that I want Aislin in before this.))