
Checking In


01-06-2014, 04:49 PM

It wouldn't take long for her husband to notice Selene had left, it would make her smirk, he sure caught on quickly. Soon enough he would appear, already informing her of the obvious, she shouldn't be out here, she should be resting. Since becoming ill though that was all she had been doing, resting, laying in that damn den all day almost everyday. She was getting sick of it, she needed to get up and move around, if she didn't, she had a feeling she would begin to lash out at those helping her. If she struck one of her family for no reason, it would devastate her.

With a sigh the goddess would come to a stop, orbs of steel falling upon her lover. He was a God, the way his body was built, his strength and colors, the blended together perfectly. Not only that but his mind, the personality he was given, fitting together like a puzzle. Yes, the gods chose well it making the two mates, producing fine children. And herself, Selene believed herself to be a beautiful goddess, her feminine curves but also strength hidden beneath it, wonderful. Her coat was not made of too many colors clashing together awkwardly, simple yet beautiful, and even if her gaze was cold as ice, they swirled with many emotions.

She would watch silently as Zeus moved in close, asking her to let him help, lean on him so he could lead her back to the den for a meal and her medication. Selene would have none of it, and instead of lean against her lover she would nip at his neck then smirk. "Do you really expect me to give in so easily?" She would speak in hurt tones, the soreness making a bit difficult to talk, but should be enough to get across that she would not simply let him lead her back. Like usual, she wouldn't give up without a little fight.


Awesome table by Arwen <3