tip of the tongue
01-06-2014, 05:56 PM
Tender is the fur, dying as you purr
Orange eyes beamed at the man before her. She eyed him gently, those lost eyes sucking everything in. Kodda kneaded the earth with her claws, the sand sticking to her bloody blisters. The white dame tilted her head as he studied her, there was no threatening gestures emitted so the woman remained calm. She looked down slightly, it seemed to be a habit of hers. She stared at the sand as she heard the man speak. He was so fluent, the woman envied him. She twitched gently as everything seemed to slow down. She looked to him, sand blowing their way slightly. The behemoth opened her mouth to speak but nothing but, "N-n-n-n.." came out. She shook her head and looked down once more. Her orange eyes withdrew even more. She knew she wasn't normal but she could not bring herself to say the word. Kodda then began to shake her head even more, telling him no. She licked her lips and twitched once more. That time she managed to get out a few words. "K-kodda.. I am h-h-heading that way to g-grassy.. l-l-land." She swallowed nervously, slightly paranoid. She looked back to him. "C-come?"