
Unseen Danger



2 Years
01-06-2014, 08:16 PM
ooc: you're more than welcome to! This thread is completely open! <3

Every heart beat seemed to grow louder and louder until he couldn't think. What was he supposed to do? Should he bolt and make a run for it? Could wolves outrun bears? He wasn't sure? no one had ever really told him much about bears. They were bigger than him and they could kill other animals for food that's all he really knew. Drashiel swallowed. But if he stayed? what then? The pups hair rose as panic started to squeeze on his chest. He needed help but sounding a call meant alerting the bear as well. The boy was trapped hopelessly-

Hackles and fur standing straight on end, Drashiel sprang forward at the sudden voice behind him. But in an unusual turn it was the sheer intensity of his panic that caused his legs to lock and hold him still long enough to realize that it was a packmate. The same panic had locked his jaw and stilled any cries of fright. The relief was so overwhelming at seeing the femme that he almost missed what she was saying.

Drashiel quickly nodded. He'd follow her to the ends of the earth if it meant getting away from the bear. His lips parted but he still couldn't bring himself to make a sound. His limbs were still shaking but he was quickly regaining control of himself. He could feel the increase in confidence just from having her presence near? but his luck wasn't perfect. His little start forward had been enough to garner the bears attention.

The beast rose onto it's hind legs, peering over the pines right at him and his rescuer. The bear was nearly 7 feet tall and it huffed and snorted at them before it's paws came crashing to the ground with a thud. It stood back up as Drashiel skittered backwards. "Th-think we c-can out run it?"