


01-06-2014, 10:15 PM (This post was last modified: 01-06-2014, 10:15 PM by Karmen.)
OOC Name: pug
How did you get here?: i came back <3
Age: 18

Character's Name: karmen
Age: 2
Season of birth: summer
Size: (in inches) 26
Appearance description:
Karmen Roe has often been described as a nymph, delicate and fine-grained, a girl with a face that could make summertime seem sad: a fragile facial structure with a soft, sloping jawline, and a long muzzle that tapers to a peach-coloured nose. Rarely she frowns, although the inviting simpers and tantalizing grins she wears have a certain quality about them that make them seem plastic and deceiving. Large ears top her head, where she often imagines a jeweled crown nestled in-between. She has pale, willow green eyes that imitate a teacup's nature and hold your undivided attention and long, dark brown lashes that grant her wishes. Hairs in various shades of fawn and honey run down the arch of her neck and the feminine dip in her spine, dressing her lissome curves in a glowing complexion of browning golds. Her broad chest leads to a narrow midsection as she stands on slender, gracile legs and dainty paws; she steps lightly, kissing the ground as if royalty, and such tiny feet grant her a guise of invisibility when she performs surreptitious acts in the quiet of the night. She was cursed with a long tail, which she constantly must keep tucked tight if she wishes not to be seen as clumsy. Karmen radiates a natural appearance that begs to be dressed in crystals, gems, and silks from distant places.

Alas, she is not draped in riches, but a girl can dream.