
New Beginings, Love Flowers



01-07-2014, 12:11 AM

Everything was set, the weather was warm and bright, her fur glistened, and she had found white flowers to put in behind her left ear. She had left the den Cael and her resided in since moving to the in to a small glen. There she had prepared to the, their day. She and her mate would be officially married today. All that was left was to call in the family and Chrysanthe with the rest of the pack. Standing up she took a shaky breath. For some reason she was nervous and felt lonely. She wished her family could be here with her too. She missed her mother, her old mentor, the alphas. Sure her old life had been horrible but she still missed her family. She shook her head. By the end of today she would officially have a new family.

Walking to the shore where the pack had first arrived to the island, hr sky blue eyes looked around. She could not be anymore happier than she was now. She had a wonderful mate, and splendid pack, and there would the future of pups to come. Not that Cael and her had mated yet, but it was to come soon. She turned to face the island, the ocean behind her. Head lifted to call forth family, alphas and friends. Her howl was soft and sweet. There seemed to be a new side to her now, a perk to her steps, a light dazzling in her eyes. She was in bliss, every part of her leaked with it. She shifted nervously again, would everyone approve? She hoped Caerul got here first. She could really use his steady presence right now.

She could not wait to see Cael. While waiting she could not help but to keep picturing him in her head. The thought of him made her smile and feel warm and fuzzy. How lucky she had gotten when she had first met him. He was her blessed sun. Without him her life was cold and dark. She wondered if he would show up first or hang back some. Either way this was their day. It was also important for the pack. To show that they could move on and recover from the battle. To put some positive events back into their lives.
