


01-07-2014, 02:36 AM

Dawn had just arrived, the colors changed in the setting of the sky. Pacifica awake as usual well before the sun had risen...her thoughts still lingering on the grey Knight that had brought her into Seracia a couple seasons ago. She had not seen him since he left to War, and she was not sure where he could have gone or what could have happened to him...She knew he had a sister, but she had yet to meet her. Perhaps soon she could get some answers, she missed him and she needed to know what became of him. She had begun to fall, and he was not there to catch her. Was this what it felt like to have a broken heart? It sure felt that way...the usually strong woman felt like glass was stabbing her heart, her shoulders weighed down with the pressure of the world, her soul feeling like it was chained to the ground with worry.

Reluctantly she tore herself from her sitting position, from the location she had been at for well over a week. Waiting...hoping. But she began to feel that it was all in vain..."One day...I won't give up hope..." She tried so hard to keep herself from falling into the pits of depression, so hard to keep herself reassured. But each passing day made it harder. Why? She didn't know him that long...but they had a connection the day they met, the day they went fishing and shared a meal. That memory, she would never forget. Solemnly she entered into the scene of the meeting, her baby blue eyes doing their best to make it seem like nothing was wrong, and though it was hard, she didn't want to show her weakness in front of the others. Although it didn't help that the first to be there was her Queen and her mate and children, and Dragon and his mate...was she always going to be alone? Quietly and with a nod, she took a seat midway behind the Grand Duke and Duchess, waiting for the others to arrive. And only hope that by some miracle, the Knight Pontifex would show up....but something told her she had her hopes set too high.
