


01-07-2014, 03:49 AM

Destruction's head lifted from her paws at the sound of a familiar howl. A meeting? The dark furred woman rose from her den. She lived near one of the corners of the territory, close to the barn and lake. The dark woman would rise, slipping from her den quietly. Loccain had held the throne for a little while, though it was only natural that a meeting would come along to reveal the Queen's personal touches to the pack such as with ranks, pack alliance plans and whatnot.

As the woman headed in the direction of the pack meeting her mind briefly traveled to the brute she had encountered in the south. Aiden. What was he currently up to, she wondered? Her time spent with the fawn colored brute had been enjoyable... and she was hoping to come across him again. But there would be another time to go searching for him... she just hoped he didn't want off to some pack in the mean time.

Destruction emerged from behind the others, walking around the outside so that she bordered on the outside edges of everyone else while still being close enough to Loccian to be able to clearly hear her announcements. "Queen Loccian," She gave a deep nod of her head and a friendly flick of the tail before sitting down. Her gaze traveled to those presence, another nod being given towards Dragon in greeting when she met his gaze.
