
Unseen Danger


01-07-2014, 06:01 AM

Bears. Depending on the type, a wolf could sometimes fight their way out of it. Black bears were smaller, and though still lethal at little easier to deal with. Grizzly bears, weren't very friendly, and polar bears didn't suffer wolves gladly. She'd yet to meet one that wanted to be 'friends' and wasn't looking to score a meal. Of course the idiot pup would have to attract the fucking snow bear, and of course it was her luck to stumble across them both. Had it just been her, she would have been at the southern edge of the territory drawing a group together. As it was, the bear was moving deeper into the wood, and she was stuck here with a meager pup.

The pup seemed unnerved at least, judging by his words. That was good, at least she hadn't come across a fool who thought he could take a bear on. She stared at the beast, who had now discovered the pair of wolves, her violet eyes widening, in surprise. Crap. The growls the that left the jaws of the bear, made her spine tingle. It was her, a dame standing at about thirty 35 inches and weighing maybe a hundred and thirty seven pounds and a pup who couldn't be more than three or four months old, by her best guess against a bear that could easily weigh fifteen hundred pounds. Double crap.

Stepping forward quickly, she'd move herself in front of the pup, her head swinging, and her purple optics fixating on the young wolf. A simple command would leave her jaws. "Run." She didn't doubt that he would heed her command, and thought to add. "Run south. Go. I'm right behind you." At least until the beast would pursue... then she'd have to turn and face it. Turning her attention back to the beast, she waited to hear the sounds of the pup fleeing before she would turn her attention back to the child. Yep, story of her life. She was so screwed.
