


01-07-2014, 01:22 PM

The boy would be gently woken from his slumber, his mother's coos heard within his dusty ears. Today was the meeting, and he would get to meet the whole rest of the pack. It was a big day for them all, and he would do his best to be brave for his momma. All the wolves he would see today were kind, and only wanted to see him grow up right. Silent had proved that to him, so he was quite excited to get to see her again that day. He would squeeze between the barn doors after his family, his jolly gait carrying him to where Loccian would address the pack. Oh so badly he would want to jump upon the pedestal, but his father's gaze warned him to behave so obediently he would take a seat in between Gerhardt's feet.
Bright blue gaze would take in all the new faces as each one would approach his mother, not many looked at him, but a few were kind enough to share their words with him. The first, a brute with interesting facial markings would approach he would compliment them as a pretty she wolf of grey would follow. His tail would thump happily at them excitedly as he was hardly able to keep himself seated. Both her very kind, but Elias wanted to know their names. A whine would escape his lips as he looked up to his father whispering, "What'r their names dad?" as he peeked around his leg to catch another glimpse after they had taken a seat.
