



7 Years
01-07-2014, 03:49 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Slowly but surely Tahlia was working toward coming back out into the pack. Mostly in part because of the independence of her growing children. She had less and less to do inside their den, less involving them that they wished her to do, and was constantly having to find them nearby. They were leaving her in the dust with how much they were advancing, showing much the same independent streak that their father possessed. And while it pleased her since she knew they would never fear going after what they wanted, she knew the risks it posed inside Seracia. Seracia demanded loyalty, dedication, and a very particular conduct; a conduct that did not seem to mesh with that of their father.

They had done nothing to risk their standing in the pack this far, but their mother was ever watchful, ever conscious of their actions and choices. She wanted more than anything to be strict with them, to drill into them the importance of their behavior within and around the pack, but she also feared coming off too strongly and driving them away. They were her children and already having to deal with their father's banishment; it would have killed her to make things even worse for them.

So it was with a mild trepidation that she approached the shed where Loccian's call had resonated from, dark golden eyes sweeping every which way as she neared. Where were the pups? With Loccian taking up the mantle as leader, Tahlia was still learning how Seracia was changing and what the new expectations would be, and she was nervous that in the pups' inattention they might ignore or overstep those new boundaries. Seeing none of them, she could not wait any longer and entered somewhat slowly into the structure, still harboring a certain level of distrust for the remnants of the human world. Others were already there, gathered around their grey queen raised above her followers. A cordial and respectful dip of her head was made Loccian's way and the woman took a seat among the others with a clear view of the opened shed door, attention continually shifting toward it in expectation of seeing her children arrive before their good standing with the pack could be jeopardized.