


01-08-2014, 12:15 PM

A brief moment of satisfaction would bubble in her chest as blood teased her tongue. Her jaws had landed on their intended target, taking a hold of his leg. Jaws would clench as much as possible, refusing to let go of the limb, fangs dug into the flesh of his upper arm, slicing through easily with the sharp fangs of the yearling. He would pay for his mistake of attacking her. His family was destroying everything she held dear to her. They had taken her father, and now were attempting to take Ares. The thoughts only fueled her rage, pushing her through the pain of battle. Adrenaline pounded through her veins in a scorching path.

His free limb would rise, aimed to move across her shoulders, his goal to pin her down. Fury would flare in her chest, a growl released from clenched jaws. Her body would react, hips swinging out to her right. His paw would fall, grazing her shoulder briefly. Her goal was to twist his leg that was between her jaws, to pull it back and out away from his body with her movement, she wanted to either tear the muscle or dislocate the bone entirely. She wanted him to suffer so if he got free and her goal to mangle his limb was successful then the limb would be useless no matter what. Her intentions where to disrupt his balance when his leg fell back to the earth, to wreck him enough that she could knock him to the ground and pin him. To be victorious.

Her defenses remained intact, eyes narrowed, ears flat against her skull, shoulders rolled forward, hackles raised, legs spread equidistance and bent, tail acting a rudder, her weight on her toes, nails digging into the earth. Pain would shoot across her skull as his fangs connected with her right ear, missing their intended target of the base, but landing nonetheless. Blood would drip from wound as he shredded and tore the top half of her ear, leaving it in bloody tatters, a constant reminder of the revenge that would fall on their family.


ATTACKS: Her body/hips would swing to the right, aiming to twist the leg she has a hold of, wanting to either shred muscle or dislocate the bone. Jaws would remain clamped down with maximum force to keep a hold of his limb.

DEFENSES: eyes narrowed, ears flat against her skull, shoulders rolled forward, hackles raised, legs spread equidistance and bent, tail acting a rudder, her weight on her toes, nails digging into the earth.

INJURIES: bite to the scruff/shoulder area, shredded right ear (only the upper half of the ear)
