
Familial Ties

Rune I


5 Years
01-08-2014, 03:50 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Maia was very plainly surprised. Rune could not even attempt to mute or lessen the smile that had taken over his expression, fueled even more by the look his sibling gave him. But though their relationship had never been overly tight knit he could tell she was nothing but excited for him. They were not the type to begrudge each other their happiness, and he was grateful the black-clad girl confirmed this with her excitement. "You need to," he agreed when she spoke of meeting his mate. "I think you'd get along well." And he did believe it. Neither were entirely malicious nor wholly virtuous, and he suspected that their similar tolerances and demeanor might pave the way for them to possibly become friends and further unite his family more.

And very suddenly it was his turn to be surprised as his sister went into explaining what she had been doing after their last visit. He had known of the first taking of Tortuga but not of the second, and unbidden a small flame of his possessiveness regarding his childhood home flared red. Taurig. What sort of a leader could not even stand against his own father and allow himself to fall and be humiliated in such a cruel and imasculating manner? Not only was he upset again to learn more of the farce that his old home was becoming, or that the pack name he had always associated with the volcanic mountain, but he worried for Maia. How safe could she be with a ruler like this? Did her loyalty run so deep that she would be blinded to the dangers she could be in?

When she asked about Valhalla's location, Rune answered distractedly, still considering the stability of Tortuga. "In the west, along the coast. Keep away from the deserts and you'll find it." And because he still felt responsible for her, wanted to keep her safe and protected just as much as he did Alamea or his homeland, he added protectively, "If things get bad at that island you're staying on, come find me. I'll vouch for you. And I'm sure Alamea would too, if she met you. Don't stay there if it's not safe."