
Tastes Like Thunder.


01-08-2014, 04:01 PM
make me forget what's right and what's wrong

The boy is cold, and cares for little beside his family, and a few of his friends, those who share the same cold evil; which was gained from his mother, despite his former struggles to be a good wolf. The look in those eyes, shows just how cold he can be, and the other siblings he has; he will be unfriendly, but not cold. In his own way, this is Mikail's way of telling his siblings just how much he loves him, although it might not be clearly evident in the way he acts. Sometimes, the boy changes what his mother has taught him by being loyal to any group he is in at that time, although he is forced to drift along the groups most of the time. The reason for this is that the boy finds himself in several groups, a spy for all of them, against the other groups; but he may find himself struggling to spy on at least one of the groups, for one reason and just this reason only. There will be one or more women in this group, and probably all of them will end up bearing his child, due to him being taught that his mother had been with many other men before Syrinx. But the boy's mind will have twisted it to be women he stays with, instead of men. The grouchiness and sarcasm will be traits for sure, but the fact that the boy might be cold and a little unfriendly to his family may not be a trait.

The betrayal of the group will hurt the females, unless they don't figure out what has happened; Mikail is one of the better spies, being a fake nice that would be impossible for him if he were not in a mission, with a hit of sarcasm that comes with his unfriendliness in real life. He will pretend to want to take away the burden of these wolves, while in his other life, his real one, he would never do such a thing for these wolves, who mean nothing at all to him. Maybe someday, he will grow to be a wolf of just one group, one female, but not yet. The boy will always want to be part of a rivalry of groups, just so he can always have the excitement, and even the risk of being caught when he goes to report to one of the groups; this will not be a trait that stays, or one that leaves; it could go either way, is what I'm saying. Most likely, though, this trait will stay. The most groups the boy will have at one time is six, all planning and plotting against each other, hopefully, in some kind of way. The weaknesses of the groups will be told, or made, by the male impregnating the strongest female in that group, even if she is one of the prettiest females, or not so much the best looking female in the group. Whatever he does, Mikail will not let his heart get in his way. Even if he loves a female, or is looked up to by a pup, the boy will leave, even if it hurts himself in the process, which is very unlikely. But even the coldest wolf finds a heart-break every once in a while.

Enjoy: {This will not happen, just an example.}

The boy's violet eyes narrowed as the woman stormed over to him, angry. No, not angry. Furious. She was a pretty wolf, a brown wolf with green eyes. And, of course, there was her white right ear and white legs. Her green eyes were cold and narrowed. But, there was one difference. The girl's stomach was swelled. Mikail rose to his paws, and tried to greet the girl with a wag of the tail. Blizzard. He said, simply, his voice a like a purr. Although the girl's eyes were usually cold, they were burning with a rage unlike anything he had ever seen. Shut it. Blizzard growled, and bit the air next to Mikail's head. Mikail widened his eyes in mock pain. I'm hurt. He purred, and circled the girl. She glared at him, a low growl escaping her throat. I should rip you apart right now. She snarled, and Mikail stared at her. Why? He asked, and Blizzard whipped around to face him.

Because.....That night. The girl whimpered, the anger finally gone. You mean.... The boy asked, trying to act shocked. Blizzard dipped her head quickly. Yes.

code by sam & image by lu