
血が支配すると炎が燃える(Blood Will Reign And Fi



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-08-2014, 06:14 PM
Sin Armada

As fate would have it, a small group would fall into his paws. The first, a jet black pup with no other color on him. Sin turned to look upon the boy, amber staring into darkness. This child was an intriguing one, and Sin would do well to remember him. Perhaps train him in his ways so that he would become a great warrior the way his bloodline should be...but he had yet to witness it within the pack, asides from his sister Impra, and the other named Artemis...the others seemed weak. His sister especially, from what he witnessed that day...she couldn't even defend herself. Instead, she submitted in a weak display. She had weakness written all over her, and it was such the reason that he chose to only relate himself to those he found worthy. And Roman, he would not claim as his sister.

Soon after the child had arrived, Sin caught another approaching scent. This one, a male he had not met but knew to be of Glaciem...a relative, however? He wondered. He held no resemblance to he nor the albino princess, Impra. But he would soon find out. Amber gaze fell over the strangely patterned male, a look of scrutiny in his own eyes as he wondered what potential this particular male held as well. He seemed to hold some darkness within his heart, as Sin could plainly see it. For he himself hardly hid it within himself, and yet he did...if only until his own plans were put into motion.

Before he could respond to the presence of the young boy and the peculiar male, another presence would arrive to join them. This one a dainty and tiny female, portraying the qualities of a porcelain doll, and yet he hoped she was not as weak as others he knew of. Her high pitched voice resonating within his ears as she addressed the other pair, before addressing him. "It depends on who you are, my porcelain dear..." He replied in a low rumble to her question, choosing to be vague with his response for he would not associate any sort of relation to a weak minded individual with the Armada name. Hopefully, she was not as such. "My name is Sin...who do I have the pleasure of gracing my presence with, today?" Turning towards Kyung, a small grin on hid maw he addressed him directly. "How about you, little shadow? What is your name?"