
The broken bones of yesterday


03-13-2013, 04:23 PM

Thank you Lube ♥

A glint of brilliant violet was all that Morphine could seem to notice as the behemoth pivoted to face her; she shunned every other external trait that the creature possessed for it was nothing impressive to the petite wench whose judgmental eyes had fallen upon canines who appeared as if they had been carved by Satan himself every time she crossed the border back into Tortugan lands. Her metallic, silver eyes roamed the depths of the female?s violet and reflected no emotion even as the other?s clouded over in suspicion, the only emotion portrayed on her entire body being that infamous smirk of hers that danced across her plain countenance as she waited on a response. Her brows quirked immediately as the being began her little speech, speaking in riddles rather than prose and intriguing the pallid queen accordingly. The tones intertwined within her riddle only spoke of accusation, but Morphine disregarded the wench?s crafty words and remained silent, only waiting on the answer to her inquiry.

Even still as further words flowed from the bitch?s mouth ? words that Morphine could easily decipher -- she was denied an answer to her question. Her smirk disappeared and morphed her visage to its normal state as frustration crept upon her, but she would refuse to portray the irritation and, instead, kept stoic. Why not share all three? she responded curiously as the words ceased from exiting the creature?s mouth and a bitter chortle replaced it, causing the petite woman further confusion. It was then that she concluded this obscenity ? whatever her name should be ? was obviously not in her right mind.

Once the manic laughter subsided, a growl breeched Morphine?s ears and her skull flicked in the direction it had emanated from, pupils greeting a second stranger who had aimed the growl in her direction. She refrained from mimicking him and traced the male?s figure with her pupils instead, internally sneering at his malnourished physique and lacerated visage, but paid him no mind other than the brief examination. Her attention flickered back to the dark female as she aimed a question of her own at Morphine, but, before she had had the chance to respond, the male cut across her and answered first, immediately following with his own title and another question. I?m afraid not, she stated simply, drawing her pupils back to the first stranger as she waited for her response. After all, the question had been intended for her. Morphine just so happened to be the obstacle between he and the information he sought from the beast.
