
Game Over [Spar]


01-08-2014, 09:20 PM


As they stared, Sin smirked, sending out playful words to the spotted man. Dexter listened with amusement, the smirk still on his face, Sin asked him if he had come forth to answer, and yes he had, he wanted to play. "If so, you're in for a rare treat. For not many get to challenge me so freely. Consider it an honor.", these words were highly amusing to him, and a witty remark shot back to the bloodied white wolf. Yes I did, I came to play... You just happened to be the one at the end of the sound... A being like myself isn't normally one for violence... Unless your at the other end of my darkness on a bad day... But I need to stretch my muscles, my body needs a work out... So a rare treat for the both of us... The devil smiled with a hint of something that hadn't been in those baby blues before.

He watched the male set his defenses in place and he smiled before he set his own. He watched as the bloodied male flattened his red tipped ears and narrowed yellow orbs, he rolled his shoulders forward and lowered his head to protect his neck, as he smirked fangs he himself set into place. Talons dug deep into the blood stained earth and he flattened his own ears, he himself rolled his own shoulders and set the scruff of his neck downwards, he bent his head, but not nearly as much as Sin, Dexter was more of the offensive, but not a stupid one. As his head was bent he snarled with a smirk, the demon had come to play, it was time, and if there ever was a time, it was now.

Sin explained the rules, ones which were more then fine with him. He liked keeping his beauty intact, the handsome features would stay safe for yet another day. I'm not so sure if those rules were made for me, I'm wondering if your worried about your own safety mate... Dexter shot back, he was a quick one, his brain worked well in all sorts of different situations, this one was no different. No maims... Though, I'm not sure if I'm too worried about my own title as much as I am about you loosing yours... He chuckled, winking back at the brute as he himself narrowed his eyes into a dangerous stare, it was time. He stayed rooted, smirking at Sin with intense pleasure with the battle that would ensue, and though he was not sure if he would actually win, he was positive that he would enjoy this far more then the last fight he had.

Fight Stats



Ears flattened, claws setting legs into dirt, Tail erect, shoulders rolled forward with scruff protecting neck, hackles raised.





Out Of Character Notes:

Sorry for the delay, my life is a roller coaster so I was a little delayed >.<

Simple is fine, i'm good with that, nothing huge in the injury department, if you want to do something you can pm me or whatever :)

And three sounds good, but we may want to extend depending on how much fun we're all having xD