


01-09-2014, 03:05 AM

The meeting call reached Faolan's resting ears before Silent's words did. It was uncanny how his hearing worked, but he decided it was a good trait. When his mother spoke, he rose from the den floor and stretched all over. Once he shook the sleep away from his silvery form, Faolan set out with his siblings to the site of the call. Wolves had already gathered and he was happy to see Enola amongst the set of litter mates she had. They were sitting in a row beside Gerhardt and so Faolan bravely ignored his mother's stern gaze to approach the former King.
"Mr. Gerhardt," he gently voiced, wanting to make his presence known. Faolan dipped his majestic silver head and gave the Ambassador a smile before letting his eyes slip to Enola. If it was missed by Gerhardt, then Faolan would be relieved. He swept his tail behind him as he said, "I didn't get to tell you the first time I came to see you two, but I must give my congrats on the beautiful family you have with Queen Loccian." His gaze then moved to the bluish-gray wolf atop the hay bales and his smile widened. "She is a very nice person," he said before noticing Silent's gleam in her emerald gaze. "Pardon me, Mr. Gerhardt," he said, ears flattening slightly and brows furrowing into a worried wave. "My mama is giving me a look." He gently shrugged and his cheerful desposition returned as he walked towards the group of his brother and sisters. Faolan planted his rump between Mercury and Jendai, silently wondering what the meeting was going to be about.
