
Your love is my drug



6 Years
01-09-2014, 01:30 PM

It had been...a few days, perhaps even a week since he had seen that dark girl from the borders. She had been ballsy enough to try and challenge him in his own territory, even going as far as trying to take on he and his two siblings. It probably hadn't been the smartest idea on her part, but part of him admired the fact that she was so bold. That she had the guts to come the border of a pack, being a rogue, and take on a trio of pack wolves. Despite being irritated for most of his meeting with her, Caeto found himself thinking about the girl more than he probably should have. But why? Perhaps because she captivated him? There was air of danger that surrounded her, that promised more entertainment than anyone in his family could. But was it wise to follow that path?

Almost unconsciously the young Maverick look-alike would move towards the borders, part of him hoping that he would run into the dark grey-blue and silver lined girl again. Her eyes as well as her spirit were captivating to the Mathias boy. And the unpredictable was enticing to the boy, who hadn't met any wolves outside of his own immediate family and pack family. He knew what he thought about her, but what did she think about him? As he meandered about, sticking close to the border, enveloped in his thoughts, that familiar scent crossed his nostrils. The girl. He hadn't caught her name last time, but maybe this time would be different. He tried his best to move across the landscape without making too much noise, but the snow didn't exactly help in that department. She would probably hear him coming, but he didn't care; he just wanted to see her again. Alone this time.

Azures caught sight of her familiar figure, curled up in a snow-free patch of ground, looking as if she were going to take a nap. She was a good distance from the border, but the fact still remained that she was close to his borders again. Not ashamed to be spotted any longer, the boy would seat himself at the borders, ivory and russet ears standing to attention, azure gems locked on her figure, knowing it was only a matter of moments before she would notice him. What would she do this time that they were really alone?

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