
Your love is my drug


01-09-2014, 01:51 PM
Phone post

A familiar scent invaded her nostrils causing the girl to lift her crown. Pools of ice would look around, locking in on a russet figure. A grin would curl her lips as she rose to her paws. Only a
Few steps would be taken, her motions lazy, hips swaying, paws sinking into the snow. So he had come to play again, and along this time. This had caught her attention, had caught her interest in the boy. What do he want?

"To afraid to cross the borders?" a snicker would fall from dark lips, eyes dancing with wicked mischief. What would he do without the protection of his siblings? His family had been foolish in challenging her, did they not know of her lineage?

Nonetheless something about the boy had captivated her. His russet coat was unlike anything she had ever seen, his boldness enticed her. His challenge ignited a fire in her, one that demanded to be quenched. If he did not step into the open then she would ignore him, there was no fun in that. She would give him only a moment to decide.

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