
True Love's Kiss


01-09-2014, 02:06 PM

With the coming of the season came new changes. Ludicael had changed paws and the new leader happened to be his wife. No one knew why Jupiter had vanished, and frankly it wasn't much of a concern to the ebony knight as of late. His darling wife had taken control and the pack was flourishing; that was all that mattered. Despite the illness that had plagued her, Song had recovered well and settled into the life of the alpha relatively easy. It was probably not much of a big change, going from betas to alphas. The pair had much of the same duties, but instead of consulting someone else, they were the ones who were to be consulted. It was refreshing for a change, to not have to listen to anyone else, but Cherokee wasn't one to really care about rank. He and Song could've been the lowest ranking wolves in the pack, but as long as he had his wife by his side, life was good.

The changing of the season also brought along something else; his wife's season. The thought of another litter of pups had briefly crossed his mind, but he had dismissed the idea for the simple fact that she was a queen now. It wasn't the best idea to have another litter of pups when she had a whole pack to look after now, so Cherokee kept the idea to himself. Besides, he had kept himself busy with the same border patrolling as he had always done to keep his mind occupied. Today was no different. The pair hardly slept together, but the dark man didn't mind much. His wife had different things to take care of, but he still got to see her during the day, which was good enough for him for now. Unknown to him, as he moved along the borders, Song was looking for him. It wasn't until her voice weaved its way through the mangroves that he heard her voice, calling to him. Without hesitation he would abandon his patrolling, heading towards the sound of her voice, eager to see what it was that she was calling him for. There was a touch of need to her call, but he didn't want to get his hopes up.

Mismatched silver and ivory jade eyes would fall across her ivory figure, the organ in his chest jumping at the sight of her. My little angel, I heard you call... He would trail off as he closed the distance between them, pressed his muzzle into the side of her neck. She smelled divine...and her season made her that much more enticing to him.

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