
Hide Behind The Mask and Try to Live


01-09-2014, 02:26 PM

The woman looked surprised to hear her age, but the rusty brown lass did not waver. She was used to it, being born the runt of the litter she just naturally looked like a pup, surprising most wolves she met. Yet the slate grey woman offered one of the nicest comments she had received from anyone other than her parents. If Sendoa could see her blush under that ivory mask, no doubt she would turn even redder. "Thanks Sendoa." She murmured with a smile, liking the Queen even more. What she said next broadened the grin playing at her cherubic features, the idea of being a role model was quite wonderful. A few times would her russet banner beat upon the fine powder coating the terra, happy to have someone think of her that way. She would not comment as the matron stooped to lap at the water some more, then returned to lay her emerald gaze upon her own bleached features. An inquiry was posed, curious to know how she spent her time. A shrug of her petite shoulders would precede her speech. "I'm not one of Isardis' useful children, so I usually just wander the borders and talk to the wolves who want to join, or hang around with the youngsters. I tend to turn myself into a babysitter, which I don't mind. Kids are fun, especially since most of them are related to me, which makes it easier to watch them somehow." She chuckled, remembering the times where she had met up with a bunch of her half siblings and seen just how unique the Armada line could be. "So if you need me to watch yours while you go out and take a break and whatnot, I'll gladly help out." Sweet alto lyrics would offer with a smile, and she realized she had been talking a lot. I really hope I'm not boring her, I'm not exactly a star child, so anything I have accomplished is worth telling in my opinion... She thought to herself, mentally laughing at how useless she was. She must be the black sheep of the Armada's, even with Taurig, because at least he could do something the rest of her family could do, like fight and dominate.

"Speech" Think "You"