
Unexpected Refuge

Leon I


11 Years
02-06-2013, 10:15 PM


His positioning was far more comfortable than it was before. His limbs were now able to stretch out, and though they groaned in protest it brought sweet relief to be able to elongate the muscles and tendons that had temporarily locked into position. His head lay sideways while facing her, so it took a minute to orient himself to the fact that he was sideways, and she was not. Cerulean eyes opened and closed periodically, neither roving over her frame as before, or staring blankly at the back of his eyelids either. He was feeling a bit better, not sure if it was attributed to the fact that he was no longer alone, or if it was because he was regaining strength. He was completely dry now, not feeling quite as much chill in the air as before. His coat was stuck to him in places, and in other areas it had managed to fluff out and jut off in strange directions. But these were things he didn't care much about. Oh it was nice to look nice, but at this time he had many more important things on his mind.. like survival.

As she commented on his idea, he was glad to hear that she agreed with him. It did sound promising. Though it would offer no help should a storm break out, there were too many perks to not at least try it out. His brow furrowed slightly, gazing at her once more with a critical eye. She still seemed just as exhausted as when they'd first met. Perhaps she would take longer to recuperate. Leon still didn't feel great himself. The very thought of moving to the hill, which was only a short walk away, was too much to think about. As the laughter returned to her voice at his joke, Leon's smirk grew in size. He was so glad he wasn't in this alone. Though he could make it by himself, it was so much better to just have someone to mentally lean on in a situation like this. He watched her attempt at moving her neck and furrowed his brow slightly as her head fell back to its original position. She really was worn out.

As she questioned how far away the hill was, Leon began to calculate in his mind how long it would take them to get there with their current exhausted state of being. Normally it would only be a minute or two, but he suspected it would be longer given their level of fatigue. It's not far at all, if we hadn't just run across the whole continent it would only take us a minute or two. He winked at her, which took far more effort than he thought it should. Finally, when he couldn't talk himself out of it any more, Leon shifted onto his belly, with his legs beneath him. He grunted and groaned as he lifted himself onto wobbly paws and glanced down at her. Coming? It was more of a method of encouragement rather than an actual question, he knew she wasn't about to stay here all night. At least.. he didn't think so.