
New Plot Thread for Tea!

Loki 1


6 Years
01-12-2014, 09:07 AM (This post was last modified: 04-10-2014, 01:43 PM by Loki 1.)
-Qanik- ||6yr||Female||Tortuga||Single||Lawful Good||
{thoughtful, loyal, protective, kind, depressed}
- looking for a (non-Tortugan) possible love interest
- needs to make some friends, especially in Tortuga
- would be very likely to take young wolves in and mentor them
- is a warrior, so always up for a (friendly!) spar, especially if it's helping a young wolf learn

-Loki- ||3yr||Male||Rogue||Single||Chaotic Neutral||
{arrogant, mischievous, intelligent, manipulative}
- is a Hroovy :)
- possible one-night stands (eventually one-night stand leading to a pup or two when he has enough posts) Pups are so happening, yo. Loki is going to be an awesome baby-daddy
- someone's always going to hate someone like Loki, so enemies
- semi-friendly rivals
- "friends" to manipulate

-Hati- ||3yr||Male||Elysium||Single||Neutral Evil||
{angry, vicious, arrogant, selfish}
- is a Hroovy :)
- is having some serious mental/emotional issues right now so he's a little crazy
- enemies. Lots and lots of enemies
- always up for spars - healthy so he can spar again
- Just joined Elysium and stuff

-Satu- ||3yr||Female||Ludicael||Single||Lawful Neutral||
{Adventurous, loyal, impatient, dutiful, imaginative}
- is a cousin of the Destruction family
- friends are always welcome
- love interest perhaps... not a serious one but a possible crush
- always up for family plots

-Shay- ||2yr||Male||Rogue||Single||Neutral||
{observative, emotionless, intelligent, experimenter, odd}
- could use some friends who will overlook his oddness
- really anything, he doesn't have much going on right now
- miiiight set him inactive
- lost the use of one ear in the hurricane
- lost an eye in the earthquake (still healing)
- probably going to go join Tortuga

-Tyr- ||2yr||Male||Valhalla||Single||Neutral||
{fearful, intelligent, untrusting, cautious}
- is a Hroovy :)
- needs people to like him
- needs people to NOT like him
- eventually needs someone who can get him to open up enough to love them/obsess over them

-Katja- ||2yr||Female||Ebony||Single||Lawful Neutral||
{mercenary, fanatic, serious, loyal}
- Finnvi
- needs enemies
- needs to meet people
- warrior, so always up for a practice spar
- mercenary, so always up for taking jobs in exchange for unspecified future favors, though wouldn't take jobs that would put her pack at risk

-Lizzy- ||1yr||Female||Rogue||Single||Neutral Good||
{lively, cheerful, a bit sassy, resourceful, caring, loyal}
- is a Buxton
- mostly just looking for friends/acquaintances
- doesn't really believe she'll find love, but I'm open to the idea of a close guy friend she may eventually fall for
- semi-enemies for her to sass

-Sk?ll- ||2yr||Male||Rogue||Single-ish||Lawful Evil||
{cocky, childlike, obsessive, cheerful, superiority complex}
- yet another Hroovy
- very good at seeming to be benign, so he could make a lot of friends?
- probably going to start gathering the ladies ;)
- eventually going to create/steal a pack so he'll start building up followers
- rivals (both friendly and otherwise)
- straight-up enemies because he *is* evil

-Hephaestus- ||pup||Male||Olympus||...pup||Lawful Good||
{cautious, serious, protective}
- still very young so mostly nothing outside of Olympus until he's older

-Bard- ||2yr||Male||Rogue||single forever||Lawful Good||
{Druid, friendly, kind, sexual, healer, bard, nomadic, helpful}
- <333 looking for friends mostly
- friendly one-night stands... will woo. :D
- traveling companion/student?

-Signy- ||unborn pup||Female||Valhalla||... unborn XD || Chaotic Good||
{bold, mischievous, temperamental, kind, protective}
- product of a rape, no one currently knows she's Loki's except Emer
- looking for future plots for after she's born and playable