
This Long Road



01-09-2014, 08:25 PM

This time, Razo did not bother to bestir himself as the small gray fae approached him. Her snarky words brought only a sly grin to his lips. She was bold, and confident, and he wondered if this was bravado or if she had some hidden skill set that backed her actions. Where he came from, attitude like hers was snuffed out quickly, more often than not. "When you're my size," he said, with the slightest trace of humor in his voice, "trying to conceal yourself is often a losing battle. I'm not looking for evasion, only preparation." What he was preparing himself for, though, he didn't know. After this littler episode, he began to think that from now on, when he saw other wolves he would turn tail and flee. It certainly seemed safer, even if it did bruise what was left of his ego. At any rate, this fae seemed to feel strongly about her opinions, and enough remained of his stubborn streak to pointedly defy her. He sighed deeply, feeling older than his four years.

Liberty seemed to be ignoring her meal, and it made the brute begin to think about finding his next source of meat. He didn't know how much more luck he would be granted, but the odds of finding kills large enough to scavenge seemed low enough. I may have to hunt soon... He cast a glance at the rabbit, warily, waiting to see if any urges would overcome him. Maybe, if I can take it slow...

"Talk" Think "You"
Some walk the common paths, all nice and worn

But all folks are damaged goods

It ain't a talk of "if," just one of "when" and "how"

So, collect your scars and wear 'em well