
Don't disappoint me



5 Years
01-09-2014, 09:07 PM (This post was last modified: 01-09-2014, 09:09 PM by Dægmar.)
ooc: word is the three largest aren't accepting anymore due to the cap so I'll just pull D?gmar out so I don't draw this out to long. xD

Poison dripping off my fangs...

D?gmar watched with grinning maw and growing curiosity as she learned of the pack. How odd? as the ebony fae spoke D?g set to taking in the scent of the terra and slowly she began to frown. What had seemed like such a great idea at first was quickly causing her to loose interest. Stretching her back she yawned. Well great? the pack was massive. The multitude of scents that met her nostrils was impossible to sort out and the tracks that wove in and out in the snow was further evidence that this pack was probably not going to take her? though she was fine with challenging for a spot. Maybe even against the black fae? however?

It was a conflict of interests. D?gmar had no problem sharing skin with a random male if she was in the mood but it would be when she was in the mood, not he and if she didn't want to become a mother she wouldn't. D?g was fairly confident in her skill. Once they saw how she fought, they'd see there was no need to make her a brood mare, surely?.

Still, that was an interesting risk to have to take? and whose word was she to believe more the glowing angel to her right or the dark ebony to her left. Oh? and here she was, the mottle grey femme in the middle. Oh this was delicious!

"I thank you for your time miss snow angel. I am strong but willing?. that is a tangled road. I was seeking a pack to join but I've no interest in becoming a brood mare and from the scents here you've a well-stocked pack. I need room to grow and I think Glaciem is not meant for me as of now. Thank you for your time all the same? and yours as well miss ebony dagger."

Turning she strode away from the pair. Curse her luck? but oh well, she could only move on in hopes of finding a pack that would allow her to keep more of her freedom.

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]