



01-09-2014, 09:19 PM

Time seemed to fly by when he was at her side, she could easily entertain him. Everything about her grasped his attention, and in a way she toxic to his well being. Oh, if only he could go with her. He could imagine it now, laying on a warm beach with her at his side... only it wouldn't really be that way because it couldn't be that way. He was better off being a love sick puppy on another continent. "If only..." He would huff a sigh, but wouldn't dwell on the thought much longer. He would never leave Seracia despite how he felt about her.

"You're welcome Chrysanthe. Should you ever need me again just call and I will be at your side.." He would respond, lips creasing into a soft smile. "And yes, we certainly are lucky." He would chuckle softly in response. Crimson would shade his ivory cheeks as her tail brushed against his, the sudden sensation causing his stub to wiggle harder. Just her touch could send shock waves down his spine. He would turn his head more so that he could face her better, wanting his nose to align with hers. Sunset colored orbs desired to stare into her cerulean gaze for just a few moments, his mind racing as three words threatened to bubble to the surface. He needed to get it out, just tell her how he felt so that he could have closure.

Salmon colored tongue would caress soft lips before his mouth would open, words spilling before he could stop them. "Chrysanthe, I-" He would manage to stop himself, his mouth still open and only those words hanging in the air. Jaws would click shut as he looked away from her and remained silent as he scolded himself. How could he think it would be so simple? The words could never be said, and so they wouldn't. Too many things would change. "I should be going. I'm sure Seracia is expecting me any day now." He would pick up as if that was what he meant to say, but surly she had already seen the truth in his eyes. She knew him well enough by now to see it. He wouldn't move despite what he said, the queen may have more to discuss with him, and he didn't want to be rude. He always enjoyed her company, but it was hard with so many boundaries and worries.
