
Not out yet!



5 Years
01-09-2014, 09:24 PM (This post was last modified: 01-22-2014, 06:09 PM by Dægmar.)
Headed to meeting with permission from Lutara

Poison dripping off my fangs...

Her attempt to join Glaciem had only led to disappointment so D?gmar turned her sights southward. She would be no one's herd animal! Ha! She was bred to hunt and fight not to bear fuzzy little strumpets that required constant looking after and a demeanor that D?g just wasn't blessed with.

The farther south she walked the more the snow lessened. It was also warming up a bit but the winter still clung tightly to the land. As the lithe fae continued her journey she noticed a peculiar mountain up ahead. Hmmm? and the faint scent of pack. She was still a ways off from a recognizable border marking but wolves had moved in and out of that area recently and it was worth a shot. Time for a little adventure!

The wind had picked up quite a bit as the morning sun began to warm the land and the charcoal grey femme soon found herself at the borders of a curios territory. Taking in a deep breath she exhaled with a grin on her face. Good, clean mountain air and far enough north not to make her queasy in the summer. She didn't fancy herself a desert wolf. Might as well give this place a try.

Rolling her shoulders forward she stretched a little then let out a steady howl to the pack leaders. Hopefully this one would be more what she had in mind.

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]