
Unseen Danger


01-10-2014, 01:09 AM
ooc: Well, a wolf VS a polar bear realistically, the wolf would die. Polar bears weigh nearly 1,250 pounds, and wolves are somewhere on average like 130-150? From what I've read, the only animal capable of a fighting chance against the bear would be a Siberian Tiger, so fighting it's not realistic without severe character injury or death... However, if you guys want to chase it off, we can probably work that out?

I vote no on trying to fight it. So whatever Roman does won't be in fighting interest.


That was the only thing that made sense here. She turned, as the pup fled, moving towards it, slightly, only to pause at the arrival of Sin, the other Armada Isardis had approved membership of. She didn't like him. She didn't trust him. She rolled her eye at his words, pondering the meaning of them. What did he know? In that split second, she pushed the thought back, intending to find out later, and she would find out. "Of course, you're probably stupid enough to think two adult wolves can take on a mother polar bear?" She asked, her tone scathing. The roar of another creature drew her attention before she turned to follow the pup, and her eyes met a leopard. "However, the cat makes this far more of an entertaining thought." Could this day get any weirder. Her violet eyes watched the scene, coming to rest on the brush behind the bear, where the small nose of a cub peaked out. She was a mother.

"We have to run her out, she has cubs. Any wolf that crosses her path, will be killed, while she tries to defend them." Turning away from her other sibling, she called into the forest. "Keep running!" Moving through the brush, she made a large arc around the clearing, coming in behind the bear, trying to reach the mothers cubs. It was perhaps the most idiotic thing she had done, but she knew if she could draw her attention, the bear would follow her if she could manage to carry a pup. Or she'd get herself killed. Moving in through the brush, she hoped the bear's attention would remain on the others, as she stuck her head in, grabbing a cub in her jaws. It was heavy, but she was sure she could run with it. She would grasp it carefully, she didn't want to hurt it, and with dismay as she backed away she heard it call, and the attention of the mother would shift to her. Violet eyes looked up into the brown-black eyes of the massive bear, as the bear reared up on it's hind legs. Fuck my life, she cursed internally, as she turned, bolting off towards the icy moutains, the massive cub bumping against her chest. She could hear the mother behind her crashing, and never bothered to to turn her head to see if the mother had grabbed her other child, she just ran like hell.


OOC: P.S: Roman's trying to draw out the mother from the territory, and I'm accepting that she's gonna get injured in this process. I didn't decide if the mother grabbed her other cub, left that up to you guys.

P.S.S: I am aware that the cub is about thirty pounds, which is a third of Roman's weight. She won't get very far, and will most likely be injured, depending on how the thread ends up going.