
Brightly Wound



10 Years
01-10-2014, 03:07 AM

The young Gargoyle mini-me was out and about on the island, enjoying the way the sun felt across her form. She was nine months old, a spitting image of her father with the lovely frame her mother had bestowed her through genes. Odette was the perfect combination of her parents and she couldn't be more proud of that. The pride was evident in how she walked along the beach: her head was held high and her tail stood on end to promote her feelings of her lineage. Bi-colored eyes scanned the vast ocean as she stopped to admire the beauty of it all. What could make today any better?
Her answer was given by the calling of her sweet mother. Chrysanthe was summoning the island's permanent guests for a meeting. Odette didn't hesitate to reply and she dashed away from the beach, leaving sand rising and falling in her wake. Her lean legs were more curvy thanks to the muscles that were worked on by the numerous trips to the mainland and back, as well as maintaining a strict diet of the lean meat prey that resided in various spots of the island. She raced with her tongue lolling out of her mouth, avoiding obstacles while thinking about a delicious deer that was roaming stag nearby. Plans to try and win its life for later formed in her brain and she proceeded to zigzag through the jungle to her destination.
By the time she had reached the location Chrysanthe had chosen, a good number of wolves had already appeared. She walked towards them without any fear, tail now limply swaying behind her frame as she got closer to the Alphess. Her eyes looked around at the nearby wolves -- Demonio, Seraphine, Sephiroth, and Sarak -- before landing on the form of the horse. Her eyebrows rose in surprise from the mere image of Obsidian's presence and she wondered how a beautiful animal came to stay with Valhalla. Perhaps her curiosity would be taken care of in the future.
Odette didn't hide the fact she was Chrysanthe's daughter when she approached the russet-faced female and openly nuzzled her. "Mother," she gently cooed, bi-colored eyes looking up to the face that she had grown accustomed to looking at each morning she slept in. "Did I make it in time?" she asked, hoping that her sprint wasn't all for nothing. As she waited for Chrysanthe's response, she stole a glance to Surreal and her eyes twinkled even more. After her mother answered her, Odette walked over to the younger female and gave her a nudge on her shoulder and neck. "I've missed you, Aunt Surreal," she said, giving the girl a wink before licking her cheek. "Sooo much has happened -- I want to tell you all of it!" Odette knew she would have to wait, and patience was such a virtue already.
The black, gray, and tan female then turned to walk to Chrysanthe's other side and plopped her haunches lady-like upon the warm grass. She caught a glance from Vahva, who sat near the front of the gathering, and silently raised an eyebrow. The gesture was hard to see in front of others, but she was sure the female could notice it. After hardly two seconds, Odette turned her gaze to Chrysanthe (for she was on her right side) and gently gave a whine of appreciation for her adopted mother. Her tail thumped the ground lightly next to her left haunch and she waited for a tender nudge from the Alphess before looking out to the rest of the Valhalla family. She wondered what would be going on in this meeting. The excitement was slowly building up.

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