
There's a fever in my heart



10 Years
01-10-2014, 06:29 AM

Odette had found it in her heart to make her mother even more proud that day. The nine-month-old was eager to prove that she wanted to make something of herself. If that meant she had to do it by working up the ranks and making an effort with other members of Valhalla, she would. She had wanted to have a consult with Chrysanthe about such ideas, but the young girl decided that maybe once the excitement settled down a bit, it would be wiser to approach her mother. That didn't mean Odette wouldn't try to think of ways around that decision. She was patient most of the time, but for some things, it was hard to wait.
The Gargoyle mini-me left the Valhallan island to pursue the other lands her pack had clamed. One in particular was the Plains where she had first met Chrysanthe before she adopted her. It held a meaning to her and that helped her get through the journey to the West. Time wasn't a factor to her, so when she reached the Plains, it was around mid-morning when her paws touched the cool grass. She sighed gently and proceeded to walk across the invisible borders of the vast land of greenery.
A scent familiar and yet held no real significance reached Odette's nose. Her ears flattened and her brow furrowed as she tried to figure out who it was. She had caught the scent before, and it only took her a few seconds to realize that it had been at the Valhalla meeting. She remained cautious as she walked across the plains, making sure to keep an eye out for a figure that matched the scent. Odette wasn't sure what her reaction was going to be, so she remained guarded.

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