
Don't Play With Fire Or You WILL Get Burned...



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-10-2014, 06:52 AM (This post was last modified: 01-17-2014, 11:15 PM by Sin.)
Sin Armada

At last, the perfume of the proclaimed father infiltrated his nostrils. Sin was not a patient man...luckily he was in a rather less bitter mood then was his usual demeanor. Amber gaze sought the ruby optics of the albino king, Sin pleased that he had finally decided to show himself. If not for the rare patience he held for so few, he would not have wasted his time as such. But today, he had plans to see who his father was. After all, he didn't come all the way here for nothing...and he sure hoped that it was nothing he would be disappointed with. For Sin not only sought power within his own rights, he only merged his allegiances with those deserving. Anyone else? Sin would have turned his back before one could blink. And although this child was unpredictable, he still held some sense of moral and upheld his own values. Loyalty was the watermark of his being, and to disobey him or one worth following, consequences always ensued without remorse on his end. He would never hesitate to ensure things were done, and if ever disobeyed, then punishment would be dealt out in full was no wonder why his mother Nephisa had entrusted him with the task of beta. Sin always accomplished his duties and what needed to be done.

Casting curious glance at the unpigmented king, Sin stared with hidden amusement at the words of his elder. A small smile gracing painted lips, though not enough to provoke anything unnecessary. His father had come out to play, it was evident in the dominant stance he had taken up with him. But why? Sin knew his current place, and unless it was someone else he deemed undeserving then Sin would not care and challenge back. However, he simply wanted to know why his so claimed father hated him so. It was unmistakable within the cherry pits, and yet Sin had done nothing to him. He had arrived to join the ranks for a short while until his time came to reign over his own land...and yet, he was being hated, scrutinized, seemingly being punished with the rank of a commoner. But no matter...even with the discrimination he so faced, he wouldn't take it out on his father...

Finally he would reply with ebony lips and pearly teeth, the response that bore no thought. Sin was a similar replica in standards of personality as the one before him...but exceedingly worse. "Like father like least, that's what mother Nephisa would say. She died you know, left me in charge but the pack was too weak. So I came here in hopes that you would be far greater. And it seems you have been holding your position well, thus far. My abilities are great, just as you are. And I don't fancy dirtying my claws over petty things...however, I will not hesitate to get a job done." Slowly his tail rose just above his ankles, ears erect as eyes focused on his father. Would he be shown the same fatherly devotion as Impra, or Satis or even Taurig before he turned? Or would he be denied the father figure that he grew without? "Seems we've not formally been acquainted before...perhaps today we can be without the interruptions of others, father."