


01-10-2014, 12:56 PM

Despite the pouring rain, this woman wanted to play. A broad smile crept over the features of the hell hound, tail starting to whip back and forth in anticipation for a game. She mimicked the pose of the other fae, if even for a moment, before bouncing onto her feet once more, her body near wiggling with excitement. She listened eagerly to the rules, and nodded. When Melody faltered on the prize, the strangely marked woman easily slipped in with one.
"Whoever loses has to catch lunch!" She yipped excitedly, lowering her immense frame to the ground in preparation for the next thunderclap to pound her eardrums. Tail would wag a few times in anticipation, and she watched her companion ready herself. Sudden as expected came the rippling roar of thunder, and the gladatrix' long claws tore into the dirt as she pushed herself from the starting point, powerful muscles rippling as she sprinted all out. The tree came closer and closer, and Udosa began to pivot her large body in preparation to turn around it's thin trunk. Shoulder would scrape against the bark as she cut close to it, but she could hardly feel it, nor did she care. Clods of dirt were raised behind her as she followed her own scent back to the starting point. She was not aware of her companions whereabouts, she was far too focussed on the task at hand.
When her front paws touched down, a few paces from the starting point, a puddle sent her sliding forwards onto her belly, and rocketing over the place where they had began. When she finally stopped sliding, her russet chest was soaked in mud, and her thick ruff was icky with the muck. Laughter bubbled up from the dames chest, not having a care in the world as to how she looked. She rolled onto her back and laughed hard, her flanks shaking and heaving with mirth, bushy obsidian banner wagging a mile a minute.
"That was fun! Let's go slide down some hills in the rain!" She barked, leaping to her feet happily and bounding a few paces. Looking over her broad shoulder, the she wolf fixed her mismatched gaze on the wolf she was playing with. "Ya comin'?" She asked cheerily, wagging her tail a few times more. She was having fun, and wanted to have more before the rain let up.
