


01-10-2014, 02:09 PM

His rasped tongue would caress her muscular neck, slowly dragging itself down to her powerful shoulders. This was how life should be, the perfection of felines untainted by the vile touch of wolves. The golden man's rumbling vocals would caress her lobes, and she knew this was indeed how life should be. A grin would curve her dark lips ever so slightly, long tail shaking with happiness. "It is no contest to your own magnificent coat, my prince." She purred in reply, gently nipping him in the chest. It was an act of pure affection, meant not to cause pain. As he pressed against her, a playful growl would escape her lips as she attempted to wrap her powerful forelimbs around his shoulders. She would not halt in her grooming, her body would simply pivot so they were chest to chest, as she brought her salmon tongue back up to his neck.

When had moments like these become so few, so precious? Times like these should not become so rare, for they were magic in the making. So few males roamed these lands, and she should not be forced to seek them out simply to share a short time like this would no doubt be. She should not have to worry if she would ever see this beautiful cat again, or any other man. Kittens should not become such an impossibility as they were, because it was wrong. Those thoughts were shoved from the woman's head as she ran her barbed tongue over Vask's throat and felt the vibrating of his larynx. She had never felt a sensation such as this, but she felt like she should have many times. Neck would pull her skull upwards, dragging her tongue up to his jaw once more. She would caress his cheek a few times, pale golden orbs flicking to his own emerald optics. Bright green, a colour one would never find among her kind easily, which made them all the more enchanting. The tawny feline didn't want this to end.

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